Saturday, December 22, 2012


Several friends came over last night, and Dionne made us look like liars. We've been talking about how good she is, but when they walked in the door, she went bonkers, sinking her teeth into Donna's sweater and scarf and tugging on them, grabbing at the hems of various pant legs. She napped for a while during dinner, but then we all moved downstairs to watch a movie.  I held Dionne in my lap, figuring she'd chew for a while on a toy that I held and then conk out, like the little angel that she is so often.

Instead, for 90 minutes, she kept up a steady chorus of moans, distressed panting, and squeaks. She kept trying to gnaw on my hands, and her squirming and noise-making were a distraction from the film.

Steve has a theory. Dionne and I were sitting right next to the couch, where Tucker had climbed up to snuggle next to Donna. (It's the only piece of furniture he's allowed on in the house.) Steve thinks the sight of Tucker, so near and cozy next to a new human, drove Dionne crazy with jealousy.
Did this sight push her over the edge?

Who knows what goes on in these animal minds? I don't. We're taking Dionne (and her kennel) to another gathering of friends tonight. I'm nervous.

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