Saturday, March 2, 2013

The tummy wars

Our tummy trouble continues. After throwing up at 3:30 a.m. Tuesday morning, Dionne seemed fine.  To forestall any more indiscriminate eating, we had her under almost constant scrutiny -- either on a leash or in her kennel or within our direct gaze. Still, yesterday in the middle of the morning, she vomited up her entire breakfast (she was in her kennel in Steve's office.)

As gross as it's been to find mystery objects (the larva, the bed stuffing) in Dionne's vomit, we were more bothered NOT to find anything in yesterday's offering. What's wrong?! But we remembered what vets have told us in the past when one pup or other has developed tummy trouble. The standard advice has been to keep the dogs off all solid food for 24 hours, then to gradually introduced bland stuff like rice and cottage cheese and canned pumpkin. We didn't do that earlier this week because we felt so bad about depriving a chowhound like Dionne of her chow.

She threw up a bit more (mostly liquid) in Tuesday afternoon, but she's acted fine since then. We've given her only water. Our plan is to feed her the rice etc. starting this afternoon and take everything super easy tonight and through tomorrow.

Still... it's so easy to screw up. This morning she was laying on the carpet next to me, up in my office.  I ran down into the kitchen to talk to Steve about something.

"Where's Dionne?" he suddenly asked me.

"Up in my office. But she was just lying there quietly. She's become a good girl, you know. She doesn't do bad things any more."

"Oh, right," he retorted, sarcastic.

A minute later, we heard her coming down the stairs to join us. But I could tell she had something in her mouth. I grabbed her; opened the jaws. Out tumbled the little glass bottle that just minutes earlier had been sitting on my desk, full of perfume.
It was empty. I raced upstairs and quickly spotted the little cork and label from the bottle. I could find no sign of the contents -- no damp, intensely fragrant spots anywhere in the room.

On the other hand, Dionne's breath was a curious mixture of open sewer and perfume. 

We have no idea what havoc this will wreck on her delicate stomach. We can only hope it functions like a tonic, though that seems unlikely.

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