Monday, April 15, 2013

An inventive puppy

Often Steve and I are struck by how similar all our puppies have been; one after another, they get into trouble in the same ways. But recently, I've been noticing the ways in which Dionne seems different. One is that, more than most of our puppies, she seems mentally active. She'll sleep if she's in her kennel or by my side in my office, with absolutely nothing new to investigate. But I sense her scanning her surroundings. If there's anything she might conceivably play with, she's on it.

This leads her to invent trouble-making activities that amaze us. She recently realized, for example, that plastic underlies the stones at the base of a plant in our back yard. She amused herself by nosing the stones out of the way and ripping up that strange black stuff (until we intervened).

No other puppy has noticed the sand and beachstones under the gas fireplace in our front room. But here's the evidence that they didn't escape Miss Dionne's attention:
We can only assume that she jumped up on the hearth and DUG around in it.

A day or two later, we found a single big stone out on the hearth. Did she roll it there?

Steve says, "This is what it would be like to live with a monkey!" As fascinating as those exploits can be, they're worrisome. But we're more than a year away from Turn-In. Maybe when that day comes, Dionne will have done it all. All that will be left will be to hunker down, study hard, and graduate to a life of service. 

In our dreams...

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