Saturday, April 13, 2013

At the dog festival

Today was one of the big annual fundraisers for the local CCI organization. This year it had a new venue (on San Diego Bay downtown) and a new name (EmBARKadero). While I've worked at some of the previous fundraisers, I wasn't able to volunteer for this event. But Dionne and I did put in an appearance, to check out the scene and look for opportunities to buy doggy products. 

Since it was all billed as a celebration of all things canine (not just CCI pups), it was an intensely distracting environment filled with many dogs who clearly were not assistance dogs in training...

and a fair number that weren't even alive.

Dionne was mesmerized by them all. In fact, she initially was so wild and uncontrollable that my first thought was that it had been a big mistake to bring her. But after maybe 10 minutes, she settled down, and we were able to take in the sights. These mostly consisted of vendors selling products and services ranging from

pet portraits... weird pet toys...

to dog camps... and more. 
My hope is that by the time next year's fundraiser rolls around, Dionne will be far enough along in her training that she and I both will be able to work at the CCI booth. It's something to aim for.

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