Thursday, December 19, 2013


Steve and I don't want to say Dionne misses Darby (who went back to her own family Tuesday, after her vacation stay here.) All we can say is: since Darby left, Dionne's behavior has taken a turn for the worse.

She's engaged in frenzies of racing around and attacking Tucker; barking at us; snatching shoes and sponges and my portable keyboard cover.  This morning we found her with a GLASS ornament in her mouth. (Thank God she relinquished it in exchange for a Charlie Bear.)

Then there was this, discovered by Steve underneath the dining room table:

On the right is a Scotchbrite pad, ripped in two. On the left (foreground) are the remains of a candle. We have no idea where she got it. But it took a loooooong time to clean up.

What she probably needs is to run around outside for an hour or two. But it's drizzly and muddy outside. And she has little interest in running round by herself. (With Darby, it was a party!!!)

1 comment:

  1. She has clear ways of communicating her boredom. My cousin Sandy has her dogs trained to run on a treadmill. Since Dionne's a companion dog, maybe you could take her to the gym and have her on the treadmill next to you!!!
